Friday, May 21, 2010

Assignment 1

assignment1_unfold surface_christian kuehne

unfold a surface on a two-dimensional grid. I tried to create this definition in order to use the result for a laser mill.

Thursday, May 20, 2010



deform surface according to the distance between pulling or pushing attractors and center of subsurfaces

Assignment1_Maria Nazarenko

Assignment I - Panelized Surface_ Guo Lian_4051907

Colors are affected by the attractors.



Since my studio project is concerned with the geometry of the nest of the Mallee Fowl, an Australian bird (which is endangered), I began my research looking at the geometry of various clays and soils. Frequently the molecular structure of clay is either of a hexagonal or octagonal nature.

 By subdividing a surface into square units and breaking each square into fourteen discrete triangular parts I was able to optimize the distribution of the hexagonal pattern across the surface. 

I then piped the perimeter of the hexagonal module, creating an underlying frame for the panel system. Two attractors were added to thin out the members on one side of the structure, as I needed to have more area for openings in the skin for sunlight to enter from the south and didn't want bulky structure in the way. 

Here is the combined result:

I had also intended for the center point of each hexagonal panel to offset or extrude a bit, some panels in one direction and some in the other, but was unsuccessful at this point. Please don't hesitate to post if you have any tips on how to improve this technique. A screenshot of the Grasshopper definition appears below.

Assignment 1 - Panelized surface

The panelized surface

The panelized surface affected by the graph-mapper

The panelized surface with edges piped

Yolande Gouws   SS2010  DIA 

Panelized Surface - Assignment I

Script Whale

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Grasshopper Primer

Check out this link. It is a great resource for Grasshopper.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Folded Plate Structure

Folded Diamond Corrugation.

Geometric Breakdown of surfaces and points
Here is a sketch showing how the surface that we are trying to re-create can located in space within the frames of the offset surfaces that we created in Grasshopper. Refer to this when trying to figure out which points to connect to which, as we learned in class yesterday, this can get a bit confusing if we don't properly label and keep track along the way.

The end result is a parametric version of a simple diamond corrugation.
Here is the definition: Folded Plate Structure.ghx

Friday, May 7, 2010

Texture Wall

This script uses the principle of attractors to apply a changing pattern to a lofted surface. Real-life application be to a textured wall for a room.
~Kyle Rogler

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Attractive Wall (?)

Experimentation with the attractor logic. Here I used a lofted surface as a base geometry to tessellate a circular/tubular module whose extrusion depth varies with the distance of the attractor from the wall.